Dr. Alfonso Fernández, has a PhD in chemical sciences from the University of Barcelona since 2005. From that year he obtained a postdoctoral scholarship from the program of the Generalitat of Catalonia “Beatriu de Pinos” for the incorporation of doctors in the industry. Initially he started working as an external for the Lipotec business group from the facilities of the advanced chemistry institute of Catalonia belonging to the Higher Center for Scientific Research (CSIC). The work in this center consists of obtaining release systems for antineoplastic products. Once this project was finished and thanks to the knowledge acquired in the release systems, he was transferred to the Lipotec plant where several technical functions, always within the group of release systems, are carried out. In 2015, he joined the staff of CTC-Centro de Tecnología Capilar as the R&D and Efficacy test manager. The main function is the coordination of efficacy and safety trials of both cosmetic and pharmaceutical products taking into account both legislative and ethical requirements. He is he author of more than 15 national and international publications and figured as an inventor in 4 international patents.